
Monday, July 1, 2013

Welcome to The Art of Being Thrifty!

Welcome to the Art of Being Thrifty!

I thought I would start this blog off by explaining a little about myself and why I created this page. I'm a working wife married to an awesome man who happens to be a physicist. We've been married for almost three years now, how time flies! As a married couple we have had our share of struggles, especially in the budgeting realm.

My husband is a very money conscious, budget oriented person. I on the other hand, am not. In the beginning of our marriage adjusting to living on a budget was incredibly difficult for me. So difficult, that I was the sole source of us overdrafting on our accounts almost every paycheck. I was also not allowing us to get on track with paying off several of the credits cards we had at the time. What made it even more unpleasant, was my lack of a job. Due to multiple sudden health issues, I had to have a few different surgeries to fix some old injuries from my athletic days. After struggling for almost a year with money and budgeting, I finally was able to get on track with lots of help from my family and God's scripture.

It wasn't as though I didn't grow up with some set of rules for money, or have any budgeting resources to pull from at our Church. I had several resources for money saving, budgeting, and paying off our debt forms everywhere around me. It was my expensive taste and drive to only have the best things in life that put me in the big fat red negative place in my account.

 Having an incredibly materialistic mindset didn't help me out much either. It wasn't until I read a verse in  the book of Luke that I was brought back to reality.  Since then, I have applied just about every budgeting technique that has been given to me and found what works for us and what doesn't.  My hope is that through this page, you as the reader are able to gain some wisdom to apply to your struggles with budgeting and daily purchases. To learn how to be frugal, but also be able to buy those high end items you may really want.

Until next time, I will leave you this verse to chew on;

Sell all your material possessions, and give them to the poor. Make yourselves wallets that don't wear out! Make a treasure for yourselves in heaven that never loses its value! In heaven thieves and moths can't get close enough to destroy your treasure.  Luke 12:33 GWT

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